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Leroy Wiffle Association

2 Months Out What’s New

58 days from gameday in Leroy and not surprisingly there is much to discuss. If there is one thing that Leroy is good for it is drama. But a lot of other relevant news has come to the forefront in Leroy in the past month and today’s blog post I will elaborate on a ton of huge happenings in Leroy.

The disbandment of The H-Town Huskies- In a widely shocking move the H-town huskies called it quits. For a valid reason? Yes. Was it a criticism free transition? No. Neil Krooswyk and Tim Wiltjer were traded to fantastic 4 for Nick Fiene and Jordan mosel and the backdoor sliders are back into existence as Jordan takes over ownership. There was mixed opinions on this move. The owners passed in a majority but it was split. The criticism for the move was that this was an unfair trade, and that Jordan couldn’t draft his own team. However the sliders are back and from a leadership perspective, Jordan will be able to show up more frequently than Neil so that is a plus.

New Board Members- The 5 core board members will remain the same, however subcommittees were added to the board of directors sphere of influence. Jared Jonkman joins on the field and grounds subcommittee along with being the head of logos. Matt Dykstra joins the league as the new head of social media. And Carl Coffee joins the board as an advisor. These three individuals do not have a vote on league matters, but their opinions and voice will be heard in league meetings in the future.

Field Maintenance- The fields in Leroy are taking major renovations. A work day was held on March 11 to outline the new fields for the widening and expansion of Leroy property. 350 ft of fencing was acquired via Jared Jonkman to add more stability to fields as well. Fields will be ready by May 10 for opening day.

Rumor Mill:

-Jon Gibson- Jon Gibson broke his ankle and expects to miss 6-8 weeks. Tough injury but his timetable for return puts him ready for opening day. Praying for a speedy recovery for the Liners star.

-Kevin Vroegh- Rumor has it that Kevin will not be able to attend many of Leroy’s game this year as he will be taking an internship in Grand Rapids. This will hurt Fantastic but also the league as a whole. Kevin’s consistency will be missed if he takes the internship.

-Rumor has it that Caleb Jonkman has been appointed as new co-host for going corn. With league growth so does responsibility for commissioner Tim Wiltjer. Caleb fills in as co-host because of his more available schedule in the summer. Tim will still guest host a few shows throughout the summer.

Golf Outing- The golf outing date was confirmed for May 13 starting at 12 PM. Price will later be determined but the date is set.

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